Sunday 20 January 2013

Kande viharaya

When you're going through Colombo and Galle principal road, you can confront Kaluthara chief city. After pass kaluthara chief city you can reach Aluthgama chief city.

In this aluthgama main city, there is located the most popular temple among sri Lankans baddish people. This temple name is Kande viharaya it is a mean temple on the hill.  Actually, this most popular temple located at a top of the hill. Kande viharaya was established in 1734. This temple located place founded by Venerable Karapagala Dewamitta Thero.  

Word tallest sitting Buddha statue locate in this temple. It is 48m/160ft and it is visible to long distance.  New Image House is located under this statue and depicts many Jathaka stories and incidents related to the life of Load Buddha.

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